
Childhood photos of Ted Bundy.

At first glance Bundy had a normal, happy childhood: he himself described his upbringing as idyllic. But underneath the all-American charm of these photos was something ugly. Bundy’s mother fell pregnant with him as a young teen, and to avoid scandal Bundy grandparents insisted on telling young Ted that his mother was actually his sister, and his grandparents were his biological parents. When his mother married, Ted took her husband’s last name. Bundy’s grandfather was said to be a violent racist with misogynistic views, and the young boy idolized him, spending hours listening to him rant about blacks, liberals, and women.


Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas was born on August 23, 1936 in Montgomery County, Virginia. While he resided with his parents, the majority of his siblings were living with relatives or in foster care. Henry lived with his brother and his parents in a dirt-floor log cabin with four rooms. Henry’s mother, Viola, was an alcoholic prostitute who entertained her customers in the presence of her husband and two boys. Henry’s father, Anderson, was also an alcoholic and had lost his legs when, in a drunken stupor, he fell under the wheels of a slow moving train. Subsequently nicknamed ‘No Leg’s’, Anderson would spend his days skinning mink and selling pencils. On one occasion, rather than watch Viola have sex with a customer, Anderson stayed outside in the snow of winter drinking. He subsequently caught pneumonia and died.

Viola was a vicious woman who would regularly beat Henry and force him to watch her have sex with her customers. Henry and his brother were forced to steal food from neighbours or to eat from garbage cans in order to survive. Viola beat Henry so severely on one occasion that he was in a coma for 36 hours. Viola would tell Henry it was good for him and that he would grow strong. Viola also dressed Henry in girls’ clothing, curled his hair in ringlets and sent him off to school dressed in this manner. At an early age Henry received an accidental knife wound to his eye, inflicted by his brother. The lack of medical attention result in the loss of the eye and he was given a glass prosthesis.

Henry became obsessed with sex at the age of 13. He and his brother would have sex and would practice beastiality with animals they had killed. Henry indicated to authorities that he committed his first murder in 1952 at the age of 14 while attempting to rape a girl. In 1952 Henry was convicted of breaking and entering and was committed to the Beaumont Training School for Boys in Virginia. During his one year residence Henry had sex with another incarcerated boy and attempted to escape on numerous occasions. Henry confessed to raping his 12 year old niece the day after he was released from Beaumont.